Friday, July 31, 2015

Thinking for Oneself

The Self has the perspective of a human by oneself concentrating and studying the thoughts of other thinkers. The Self reads many books of past thinkers who have come down in history and are known for their cogent thoughts. The Self gleans from these past thinkers thoughts which form the basis of the Self’s own thoughts. From there the Self thinks for oneself and builds a structure of thoughts which are entirely the Self’s own. Eventually the Self leaves behind the thoughts of all other thinkers and lives according to one’s own thoughts.

The Self needs time by oneself in solitude in order to contemplate the eternal truths. The Self cannot be distracted from deep thought.

Thought is the function of the mind. Mind sets the human life apart from every other form of life in the natural order. The mind is the reason the human thinks itself to be a superior creature and ruler of the natural order.

Since thought is the function of the mind, thought is formed by the use of Reason. Reason is instrumental to well-formed thoughts. Reason is the one and only instrument used by the mind.

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