Saturday, August 1, 2015

Personal Growth

The Person has the perspective of maturity and ripeness. The Person has settled into social life and become accustomed to the ways of other persons. It normally pertains to middle age although it also pertains to early bloomers or late bloomers.

The Person is domesticated and cultured. The Person grows over a period of time if one gets proper support and training. It is a lifetime of a gradual process with small, subtle progressions. The Person lives and learns throughout one’s lifetime. The Person either develops and grows or fails to thrive.

The idiom of the Person always heard is “All in good time.”

Since there are small, subtle progressions throughout the Person’s life, the Person is continuously making modifications to the original in order to account for developments in the Person’s surroundings with other Persons and society in general. These take the form of remodeling, renovations, revisions, and restorations.

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