Thursday, September 3, 2015


It must be remembered that these three perspectives may be contrasted but are not contradictory. All three are required to inform the Whole Human,

What about Time? Time is an important aspect of all three perspectives.

The Individual sees Time as momentous and lives in the Now.

The Person sees Time as continuous and lives in Perpetuity.

The Self sees Time as present and lives in Thought.

The Three Perspectives

There are basically three perspectives which are the source of information for the Whole Human.

The Individual lives in the natural order. The Individual lives according to impressions. The Individual is willful.

The Person lives in the social order. The Person lives according to understanding. The Person is governed by feelings.

The Self lives in the contemplative order. The Self lives according to thoughts. The Self  thinks according to reason.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

What Is This Thing Called Love?

According to Greek Philosophy, love may be divided into three types:

1. "Eros" which is romantic love.
2. "Philia" which is friendship love
3. "Agape" which is the highest form of love, especially brotherly love, charity; the love of God for man and of man for God.

To me, love is a wonderful mystery. It is an intense feeling which comes from my heart and has often been a painful feeling. Yet, I still don't understand what love is. I can desire it but it is not something which I can deliberately achieve as a goal. I must "fall" in love unintentionally.

After many years of experience and talking with others I have formed the opinion that nobody really knows what love is.

Do You know what love is?


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Natural Selection

Whenever I see the term "Natural Selection" I tend to read the article in its entirety. I believe Humans and all organisms should live according to Nature. I am a vegan and eat all organic foods. I have uncut hair and untrimmed beard. I feel like I'm healthier and happier living this way. I am 69 and don't take any pills.
I just decided to look up Natural Selection in Wikipedia and although I don't completely understand all the scientific terminology I liked what I read. Here it is for your perusal...
From Wikipedia..
Natural selection is the differential survival and reproduction (i.e., fitness) of individuals that differ in phenotype.[1] It is a key mechanism of evolution. The term "natural selection" was popularised by Charles Darwin, who intended it to be compared with artificial selection, now more commonly referred to as selective breeding.
Variation exists within all populations of organisms. This occurs partly because random mutations arise in the genome of an individual organism, and these mutations can be passed to offspring. Throughout the individuals’ lives, their genomes interact with their environments to cause variations in traits. (The environment of a genome includes the molecular biology in the cell, other cells, other individuals, populations, species, as well as the abiotic environment.) Individuals with certain variants of the trait may survive and reproduce more than individuals with other, less successful, variants. Therefore the population evolves. Factors that affect reproductive success are also important, an issue that Charles Darwin developed in his ideas on sexual selection, which was redefined as being included in natural selection in the 1930s when biologists considered it not to be very important,[2] and fecundity selection, for example.
Natural selection acts on the phenotype, or the observable characteristics of an organism, but the genetic (heritable) basis of any phenotype that gives a reproductive advantage may become more common in a population (see allele frequency). Over time, this process can result in populations that specialise for particular ecological niches (microevolution) and may eventually result in the emergence of new species (macroevolution). In other words, natural selection is an important process (though not the only process) by which evolution takes place within a population of organisms. Natural selection can be contrasted with artificial selection, in which humans intentionally choose specific traits (although they may not always get what they want). In natural selection there is no intentional choice. In other words, artificial selection is teleological and natural selection is not teleological.
Natural selection is one of the cornerstones of modern biology. The concept was published by Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in a joint presentation of papers in 1858, and set out in Darwin's influential 1859 book On the Origin of Species,[3] in which natural selection was described as analogous to artificial selection, a process by which animals and plants with traits considered desirable by human breeders are systematically favoured for reproduction. The concept of natural selection was originally developed in the absence of a valid theory of heredity; at the time of Darwin's writing, nothing was known of modern genetics. The union of traditional Darwinian evolution with subsequent discoveries in classical and molecular genetics is termed the modern evolutionary synthesis. Natural selection remains the primary explanation for adaptive evolution.

"A happy life is one which is in accordance with its own nature." Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Personal Growth

The Person has the perspective of maturity and ripeness. The Person has settled into social life and become accustomed to the ways of other persons. It normally pertains to middle age although it also pertains to early bloomers or late bloomers.

The Person is domesticated and cultured. The Person grows over a period of time if one gets proper support and training. It is a lifetime of a gradual process with small, subtle progressions. The Person lives and learns throughout one’s lifetime. The Person either develops and grows or fails to thrive.

The idiom of the Person always heard is “All in good time.”

Since there are small, subtle progressions throughout the Person’s life, the Person is continuously making modifications to the original in order to account for developments in the Person’s surroundings with other Persons and society in general. These take the form of remodeling, renovations, revisions, and restorations.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Thinking for Oneself

The Self has the perspective of a human by oneself concentrating and studying the thoughts of other thinkers. The Self reads many books of past thinkers who have come down in history and are known for their cogent thoughts. The Self gleans from these past thinkers thoughts which form the basis of the Self’s own thoughts. From there the Self thinks for oneself and builds a structure of thoughts which are entirely the Self’s own. Eventually the Self leaves behind the thoughts of all other thinkers and lives according to one’s own thoughts.

The Self needs time by oneself in solitude in order to contemplate the eternal truths. The Self cannot be distracted from deep thought.

Thought is the function of the mind. Mind sets the human life apart from every other form of life in the natural order. The mind is the reason the human thinks itself to be a superior creature and ruler of the natural order.

Since thought is the function of the mind, thought is formed by the use of Reason. Reason is instrumental to well-formed thoughts. Reason is the one and only instrument used by the mind.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Individual and Its Courage

The virtue of the Individual is Courage. Courage is an inborn characteristic. The Individual either has it or doesn’t have it according to one’s nature and DNA. Courage is a Virtue that cannot be learned. It is part and parcel of the Individual’s inborn nervous system and native intelligence.

The Individual has no fear. One is willing to attempt anything which is life-affirming. One is not bound by convention but is eagerly willing to try something new and different.

Since the Individual has Courage one is willful and has a lot of nerve. The Individual is imperious. It is demanding and commanding. The Individual manifests its destiny. Hence, the Individual is a leader. One issues proclamations and manifestoes.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


What's a good working definition of Justice?

From Wikipedia...

Justice, in its broadest context, includes both the attainment of that which is just and the philosophical discussion of that which is just. The concept of justice is based on numerous fields, and many differing viewpoints and perspectives including the concepts of moral correctness based on law, equity, ethics, rationality, religion, and fairness. Often, the general discussion of justice is divided into the realm of societal justice as found in philosophy, theology and religion, and, procedural justice as found in the study and application of the law.
The concept of justice differs in every culture. An early theory of justice was set out by the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work The Republic. Throughout history various theories have been established. Advocates of divine command theory argue that justice issues from God. In the 1600s, theorists like John Locke argued for the theory of natural law. Thinkers in the social contract tradition argued that justice is derived from the mutual agreement of everyone concerned. In the 1800s, utilitarian thinkers including John Stuart Mill argued that justice is what has the best consequences. Theories of distributive justice concern what is distributed, between whom they are to be distributed, and what is the proper distribution. Egalitarians argued that justice can only exist within the coordinates of equality. John Rawls used a social contract argument to show that justice, and especially distributive justice, is a form of fairness. Property rights theorists (like Robert Nozick) also take a consequentialist view of distributive justice and argue that property rights-based justice maximizes the overall wealth of an economic system. Theories of retributive justice are concerned with punishment for wrongdoing. Restorative justice (also sometimes called "reparative justice") is an approach to justice that focuses on the needs of victims and offenders.

From the above article, It seems that I mostly agree with the "social contract" theories and restorative Justice.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

"An Eye for an Eye..."

Leviticus 24:20

19'If a man injures his neighbor, just as he has done, so it shall be done to him: 20fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; just as he has injured a man, so it shall be inflicted on him. 21'Thus the one who kills an animal shall make it good, but the one who kills a man shall be put to death.…

Deuteronomy 19:21

20"The rest will hear and be afraid, and will never again do such an evil thing among you. 21"Thus you shall not show pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot

This is called the Law of Retaliation. Generally speaking this is known as Revenge. It is also the basis of the Retributive Justice system.

I am not in favor of this system. I much prefer a Restorative Justice System.

According to my Philosophy of Life, Justice is a balancing act where two sides must reach a compromise and equalize the situation to be good for both sides. This often involves forgiveness and compassion.
The purpose of Justice is to establish good feelings between conflicting parties.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Human Relationships

When it comes to human relationships, I have found that it is good to mind our own business and concern ourselves only with that which is within our control. Basically, this means that it is best to accept other humans as we find them without trying to change them to suit our own likes.

Human relationships are the most important aspect of our life on this earth. It is best to remain on good terms with every human we happen to meet and generally speaking to get along with them.

I just had the experience of being told by another human that he was going to seek revenge on another human because that human would not give him seconds of watermelon when she was the server at today's 4th of July picnic. This was disheartening to me because this human had a warped sense of values. It bothered me that he regarded a few pieces of watermelon as more important than the good relationship with another human.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

"Human Nature"

Whenever I hear someone talk about "Human Nature" it is usually meant to convey a pessimistic feeling and a low opinion of humankind. I usually don't pay any attention to this as I am just the opposite.

I believe that individual humans are capable of great words and deeds and I like to exalt these individuals and the whole human species they represent.

This being said it should be regarded as being a high opinion of these humans and befittingly a high opinion of myself. I have experienced a low opinion when I was depressed and attempted suicide years ago. I can vouch that a high opinion is much better than a low opinion.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


With all the events happening in America this past week, I have to single out one which impressed me the most. To me, the event in Charleston was the most emotional thing in my memory. The nation was given an unforgettable lesson in the joyful experience that love and forgiveness can bring.
Forgiveness is a wonderful thing. It goes hand and hand with a supreme love of humans. Forgiveness is what we all like to believe is the best feeling that a human heart can feel toward another human. It exalts all humans.
Forgiveness is both tearful and joyful at the same time. It cleanses and purifies. It lifts the human heart to the heights of heaven. Gravity is overcome. To the religious, forgiveness is a miracle which comes from the grace of a merciful and loving God. To the non-religious, it is the best expression of what whole-hearted passion and compassion are capable of. Forgiveness unites one heart to another heart.